Sugar Cookie by Basix eJuice Review
With the holidays coming up, you can count on the influx of delicious baked treats, most notably freshly baked cookies! That’s why I’m especially excited to check out the Sugar Cookie eJuice by Basix ! Sugar cookies are simple but exquisite, if properly made (and I can assure you many are not). Now I happen to think that my sister-in-law makes the best sugar cookies in the world, so naturally I was intrigued when I discovered this particular e-juice. I’m extremely curious to see if this vape juice is worthy of comparison to the real thing, or if I’m better off just enjoying a warm cookie right off the baking sheet. Let’s jump right into the review by checking out the unboxing of this classic dessert e-liquid!
The Basix Series is actually from a company called Glas , who specialize in crafting award-winning e-liquids with high quality materials. Here at eJuice.deals, we carry both the nic-salt and freebase e-liquids options, ranging from fruits, desserts, and tobaccos. Sugar Cookie eJuice is the first e-liquid I’ve tried from this particular vape juice company, so the pressure is understandably high. Sugar Cookie eJuice is out of stock on the Glas website, but you can snag your bottle on our site for only $12.99.
The 60mL bottle comes in a thin paper box that is professionally designed, with crisp lettering, rich colors, and an easy-to-read layout. The bottle itself is tinted and both the cap and the label are a medium brown color, an obvious nod to the sugar cookie and cinnamon ingredients. I kid you not when I say I spent a good five minutes admiring the label’s design. There was so much information on the label, but it wasn’t cluttered or haphazardly placed. I especially loved the profile category and flavor notes, which let you know exactly what to expect in terms of flavor. The company slogan was impressive, albeit a little wordy. And the use of actual images for the flavors (vanilla, butter, cinnamon, and cookie) was fantastic.
The center of the label had the product name (Sugar Cookie, freshly-baked), type of e-liquid (dessert/custard), bottle size (60mL), nicotine content (3mg), and VG/PG ratio (70/30). On the left side of the label was the customary nicotine warning, which was unique as many companies choose to make this warning an obnoxiously large banner at the bottom of the label. The ingredients list was directly below the nicotine warning, followed by age restrictions, information for Poison Control, and other warnings.
Lastly, I was able to locate the batch number and expiration date on the underside of the bottle. My only complaint was that this lettering was in black ink, which on a tinted bottle, is nearly impossible to read. I would have liked the ink to be either yellow or white, which would have made it much easier to read. Aside from that, the bottle’s design and presentation was flawless. Let’s head on down to the fill-up to see the e-liquid’s color, consistency, and scent!
While the box the e-liquid bottle comes in looks like it might house two 60mL bottles, there’s sadly only one. This bottle is a unicorn bottle, which means it’s easy to squeeze the sides in order to fill up your tank. I loved that the type of bottle was actually listed on the label, which is something I’ve never even seen before.
The 60mL bottle came with a child-proof cap, but this was easy to unscrew after a twist in my experienced hands. The fill-tip was slim but fit snugly into my tank’s fill port, making the fill-up quick and mess-free. Because of the tinted clear bottle, I wasn’t able to see the consistency (unless I held it up to the light) or color of the e-liquid until it was actually in my tank. The consistency of the e-liquid was the same in the bottle as it was in my tank: well-balanced between being watery and being thick. I’d liken it to warmed-up maple syrup in regards to the consistency as well as the color. After observing all of this, I was extremely curious to see what this tantalizing e-liquid smelled like.
I unscrewed the child-proof cap and held the bottle to my nostrils. I was expecting a strong scent of vanilla and molasses, but I was stunned when I finally smelled the e-liquid. It almost reminded me of a ice cream float, thanks to the bubbly sweetness and light scent of vanilla and cream, along with a thick caramel scent. It also reminded me of caramel coffee creamer, as it was thick and sweet. I was sorely tempted to taste the raw e-liquid because of how good it tasted (please don’t do this, as sampling raw e-liquid is never a good idea ), but I resisted the urge and filled my tank up to the brim, ready to see what this delightful e-liquid tastes like. Let’s check that out now by jumping right into the Taste Test part of this review!
Sugar Cookie eJuice is described on the Basix website as a warm and buttery cookie dough with a brown sugar and caramel glaze, complete with a dusting of nutmeg and cinnamon. This enticing combination of flavors got me feverishly excited to try this vape juice, so I wasted no time in taking my first puff. The inhale was warm and sweet, immediately washing over my taste buds with a gentle flavor. The exhale was a true masterpiece of flavor, with every single flavor melting together in glorious harmony. I immediately tasted a rich and warm vanilla cookie flavor, along with a sharp and spicy tang of the cinnamon and nutmeg. I also detected a warm and sweet taste of rich caramel that left a buttery coating on my tongue. The entire cloud was instantly soothing and had a premium flavor that never grew stale or boring. The re-inhalation of the clouds was even better, as the rich flavors pervaded my nostrils and made me think I was actually enjoying the freshly baked treat.
The throat hit was light at first, but grew in intensity after a few seconds. Despite this, the 3mg of nicotine wasn’t overpowering or cough-inducing and I found myself satisfied after just a few hits. The flavor was so good that I took multiple hits just to continue the delicious cookie taste. I was pleasantly surprised with the richness of the sugar cookie flavor and even though I’m not a huge desser e-liquid fan, I really enjoyed having this vape juice in my tank.
What surprised me most about this flavor was the perfect ratio of cinnamon to cookie. I’ve had cinnamon flavored e-liquids before, but was always wary of cinnamon vape juices because the cinnamon ends up being so strong and harsh. Sugar Cookie eJuice somehow found a balance that was highly enjoyable and not overpowering. The cinnamon melts into a buttery cloud of sugar and cookie and caramel. The entire vape juice is just as good, if not better, than the ones my sister-in-law bakes. I highly recommend this vape juice to anyone looking for a warm and flavor-packed dessert vape juice, especially if you like vape flavors to go with your morning coffee.
I was extremely impressed with everything about this vape juice. There were quite a few flavors in Sugar Cookie, from sticky caramel to spicy cinnamon, and each one of them was immediately detectable and greatly enjoyed. The richness of the flavor instantly puts this on my top 10 favorite dessert e-liquids, and I’m sure once you try it, you’ll agree! If I had to pick between an actual sugar cookie and the Sugar Cookie eJuice, I’d be hard pressed to choose which one tastes better!
From the packaging, label design, description, scent, and actual flavor of the e-liquid, Basix hit a solid home run with Sugar Cookie. Especially as someone who is picky with dessert flavors, I can happily rate this a 10 out of 10. The e-juice kept its flavor through multiple hits, several tank fill-ups, and even as an all-day vape juice. I look forward to trying the other flavors in the Basix lineup, specifically their Blueberry Cake and Banana Cream Pie !
What’s your favorite e-liquid from the Basix Collection? Have you tried Sugar Cookie or any other of our delicious cookie vape juices? Let us know in the comments below! We love to hear from our readers and fellow vapers, and look forward to hearing from you! If you’re uncertain which vape juice is right for you or have questions about any of the e-liquids we offer on our sites, you can always reach out to us via phone, email, or social media. Check back with us in the next few days for our review of Jaw Dropper eJuice by Air Factory Treats ! Until then, may your tank be full of your favorite all-day vape juice and may your clouds be thick, puffy, and full of mouthwatering flavor!