Yogi Blends Salt Banana Watermelon Ice eJuice $24.99 $13.99 20mg 35mg 50mg Nicotine Level 9 ? 'form-field form-field--qty-select hidden' : 'form-field form-field--qty-select'" i-amphtml-binding=""> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Quantity 9 ? 'product-form--atc-qty form-fields--qty' : 'product-form--atc-qty form-fields--qty hidden'" i-amphtml-binding=""> Quantity Add to cart Sold out Default Title Pay Securely With Experience the perfect fusion of sweet banana and watermelon flavors in Banana Watermelon Ice by Yogi Blend Salts, complemented by a crisp, cooling menthol kick.