Jam Monster Strawberry eJuice

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Strawberry Jam Ejuice by Jam Monster Eliquid has been one of the most sought-after breakfast flavored Ejuices in the entire vaping industry. Feast on a freshly buttered slice of toast, slathered with freshly made strawberry jam! Your taste buds are in for a monstrously good time!

Jam Monster Strawberry Jam Ejuice Description

What makes Strawberry Jam Ejuice by Jam Monster so great? Feast on a liquid made in the light of a full moon, deep in your closets, far beneath your bed, and in all the dark shadows that lurk behind closed doors! Jam Monster pops out with a leering grin and beady little eyes, but presents a temptingly delicious flavor, Strawberry Jam Ejuice, of which your vape taste buds will sing for! This little devil of a flavor features the tart and sweet flavor of freshly gathered strawberries, bursting with wild flavor from the berry brambles! These blueberries are boiled into soft sweet mush; as they soften, generous amounts of sugar are added to create a jam worthy of a blue ribbon.

This luscious condiment is generously slathered on a freshly buttered slice of toast, golden brown and crisp, with melted butter dripping down the sides of the toast! This flavor truly features a new concept of buttered toast and jam eliquid, a welcome change from all of the normal fruit/dessert e liquids on the market. Snag a bottle of Strawberry Jam Ejuice by Jam Monster today, before the Jam Monster is angered and takes back all of the precious bottles he has generously offered up for your cloud-chasing enjoyment!

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