Lemonade Monster Watermelon Lemonade eJuice
WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Watermelon Lemonade eJuice by Lemonade Monster presents the rich flavor of refreshing watermelon blended with freshly squeezed lemonade. Grab your 100mL bottle of this delicious e-liquid and puff on watermelon lemonade throughout the summer, available at eJuice Deals in 0mg, 3mg, or 6mg nicotine options.
Enjoy a rousing blend of freshly cut watermelon swirled into a tall pitcher of freshly squeezed lemonade, thanks to Watermelon Lemonade eJuice by Lemonade Monster! We set off for a countryside watermelon patch, where swollen melons grow to enormous sizes. We selected the largest one we could find and instantly began hacking it into bite-sized chunks. We filled several containers with the sweet and juicy melon chunks and headed back to our vape kitchen. On the way, we stopped at a roadside lemonade stand, where glistening pitchers of fresh lemonade instantly made our mouths water.
We purchased several pitchers of lemonade and poured ourselves some tall glasses. We downed the refreshing beverage in a single gulp and felt the sweetness wash over our taste buds in delicious waves. In a stroke of genius, we dumped several watermelon chunks into the remaining glasses and watched as the watermelon chunks soaked up the sweet and tart lemonade. We hastily poured the watermelon and lemonade into the 100mL bottles before you, and offer the e-liquid rendition for you to enjoy. Treat your taste buds to the wildly refreshing combination of freshly squeezed lemonade and juicy watermelon flavors, thanks to Watermelon Lemonade eJuice by Lemonade Monster!